Not everyone gets up one day, and says to themselves, “Hey!, I'm going to be a king today, and today I'll establish my own kingdom!,” but strangely enough, that's exactly what I did. As any newly proclaimed king will tell you, that along with a kingdom, they also need: a royal family, a royal house, members of nobility, and even laws of their own; and all these came about for me, in May of 2006, when I founded the Kingdom of Marceligue. No one told me, strange as all this was, that I couldn't just invent all these things, but those that knew me, knew me well enough, that I was determined to make my dreams come true, and those that loved and supported me, stuck by me; and also believed in my dreams.
So with the support of five other members in my immediate household, my relatives, I drew up a document, and all six of us signed it, and so we established ourselves officially as a full fledged royal house and family. What next?, because now, we had barely a penny to our names as new royals at that time in 2006, and in essence, we were merely now, still poor people. The only difference was, that we now had fancy royal titles and privileges etc, that couldn't feed us nor put a roof over our heads, but the Gods had grand plans for us. Although we were not always in poverty, and at one time was a fairly wealthy and politically powerful family in Jamaica, the current day pauper royals of Jamaican blood, were about to make their debut to the world!
All hell broke loose in the royal family, when not only were full real names used, of almost all family members!, but also, scandalous and private matters, that even some in the family didn't even knew about themselves. Personal threats of lawsuits and explosive anger soon followed, even from at least one family member, once the book, Holy Legacy, came onto the market. Also, even before it hit bookshelves in 2009, there were tremendous pressures, to prevent the book from coming onto the market, or at the very least, to delay its publication indefinitely! However, amidst great controversy, Holy Legacy actually premiered ahead of schedule, under budget, and it was already too late to stop it.
In July of 2009, with the publishing of my first autobiographical book, I introduced the world to the high disfunctionality and drama of the brand new Royal House of Marceligue, and its royal family; my family. That book was, “Holy Legacy,” was then soon followed up with the sequel, “Holy Continuum,” in March 2010. It's been a turbulent time for us so far, as newly established royals, but we're doing it the best we know how, and with as much grace and elegance as we can muster. This was also my coming out to the world, for a new king had arisen, a Jamaican born king. Yours, HRM King Marcel.
I'll always be very proud of these two books, because they're the ones, that launched my publishing career as an author. There are more books in the works right now, and friends and supporters, can always keep up with me, through my various online sites such as this blog. I also reccommend "filedby," as all my books will be listed there in one convenient place, and it's also a place where authors and readers, and other peoples in the publishing business; can meet.